Hi fellow readers!
My name is Aizha and I am so thrilled to welcome you guys to my blog, xoxo, mum! I started this blog in hopes to help other mums (even dads, parents, guardians, etc)  out there who feel either overwhelmed, overstimulated just straight out exhausted!
In my blog, you are going to find some mum tips to help you get through motherhood, mum stories so that you know that you are never alone, mum self-care tips, and mum questions that are running through our mom brains! This nonjudgmental space is dedicated to talk about all things motherhood (parenthood, caretaker of a human being) hoping to be as real and raw as we can be!  We are going to tackle this amazing journey together!
When im not writing on my blog here, I am either carpooling my 3 kids to their sports. I have 3 babies who are in different phases of their lives- one a teen, one a preteen, and one a toddler! Call that an age gap! I am also a full-time working mama who helps teenagers/young adults get through their everyday lives utilizing healthy coping skills!
Again, I am so excited that you stopped by xoxo, mum, and I encourage you to browse around for more motivation! Please stay in touch! xoxo, mum 

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